Boulder Valley School District
Student and Faculty Exhibition
A presentation of works from students and educators part of Boulder Valley School District
Opening Reception: April 14th, 5:00-8:00pm
Boulder Valley School District and The Dairy Arts Center’s annual art exhibition features works by high school students and art education faculty. Artworks include drawings, paintings, digital art, video, animation, photography, ceramics, mixed media, and more.
BVSD comprises 56 schools spread across 500 square miles and 11 communities, including Boulder, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Broomfield, Nederland and mountain communities. Schools offer a variety of arts programming: visual arts in a variety of media, performing arts, fashion design, esthetics, theatre and music.
The work will remain on view free and open to the public Monday – Saturday 2:00 – 6:00pm and online from April 14th – May 11th, 2022
Digital Works on View
Participating Artists:
Claudia LaStella
Angus Barringer
Ben Adams
Ethan Muller
Felix Kuzminsky
Iolus Stevens
Rowan Ellis-Rissler
Silas Ure
Wesley Keighin
Will Everson
Soren Aamot
Anita Schicchi
Marley Santos
Kate Villarreal
Avery Bowers
Beck Mitchell
Dakota Hess-Tolene
Elli Nishek
Éowyn Poplawski
Lily Honness
Adrien Armstrong
Clementine Radoff
Lori Llerandi
Chelsea Figur
Lori Llerandi
Lucia Murdock
Phoebe Hatch
Talia Herr
Tragar O’Leary
Elle Staron
Emma Yonemoto-Weston
- Ashwyn Collins
Nathan Trieu
Sophii Sherman
Nathan Trieu
AJ Stivison-Moran
Dylan Luger
Helen Sebring-Lawler
Aidan Sockrider
Isa Schnitzspahn
AJ Stivison-Moran
Jack Sage
Sophii Sherman
Logan Rhoades
Tiffany Baczek
Emma Pilarcik
Isabella Waggener
Mia Harvey
Tess Hilden
Anne Quinlan
Alexandra Chavez Bustamante
Anastasia Bustillos
Elena Noguera
Hallie Lenehan
Kaia Cerkez
Maren Irvin
Emily Ho
Jordan Silk
Keeley Williams
Eric Mickens
Hazel Stone
Katherine (Alyse) Petrone
Kira Britton
Mackenzie Reinhart
Tanith Britton
Rebecca Trainor
Alex McIltrot
Alexander Klemp
Carter Conly
Daelan Spitler
Jackson Worley
Luke Crumplar
Nadia Rebholtz-Herrera
Samantha Remington
Zach Reidel
Kaya Duncan
Dawn Deming
Aidan Pacor
Anna Boromisza-Habashi
Hannah Lerch
Ian Arras
Joy Rogers
Lauren Kramer
Lilly Smith
Lily Sawyer
Max Heins
Molly Carroll
Sophia Rogers
Tiernan Meagher
Vivian Sprague
Jodie Mohrhardt
Ari Velasco
Brianna Locks
Gray Korslund
Isa Ogden
Jonathan Jackson
Lucy Geiszler
Sarah Flynn
Robert Marquez
Ava Zackoff
Avery Seiden
Breanna Gibreal
Celeste Gibson
Dylan Landis
Kiley Cole
Mia nuccio
Mica Reed
Nutchita Thammawong
Peter Walgreen Gilham Arnold
Brittan Griego
Sheena Matheson
Erin Davis
Kailey Page
Maia Cheng Penuel
Meghan McCutchan
Mia Twigger
Sonya Li
Michael Hollenbach
Eric Fithian
Haska Begovic – Nichols
Jessica Wang
Lauren Ridgway
Owen McCarty
Summer Peterson
Tessa Moskoff
Michael Jaramillo
Connor Boylan
Ilana Diddams
Sabrina Feld
Tallulah Johnson Mencimer
Chayse Tapley
Sonya Marie Samuelson
Clara Hartman
Sarah Halstead
Arianne Flaherty
Elise Wisner
Ella Williams
Grace Thompson
Ivy Hickman
Lena Rosario
Nora Blair
Sadie Gallagher
Ali Martini
Alex Turner
Asa Elterich
Clark Greves
Deidra Heil
Maya Fox
Megan Peirce
Neva Morgan
Trinity Pickersgill
Julie Makely
Ash Gjestvang
Carly Wink
Elif Kucukatay
Julie Makely
Matthew Padilla
Meghan Guiler
Nailah Falker
Oliver Fontaine
Shannon Delahunty
Kelly Kotlinski
Anna Craze
Aspen Young
Camille Menendez
Daniella Chantra
Ignacia Naus
Jake Shoulders
Julian Palomino
Kaya Eriksson
Lauren E McKenzie
Lauren McKenzie
Mars Smith
Nina Kogan
Saga Quist
Dan Wade
Max Godsil
Theresa Redmon
Ande Hammers
Bella Manweller
Lucille Schalz
Megan Carlson
Rose Gillett
Ciara Nolan
John Bacmeister
Katie Kapustka
Lizzy Sunshine Demar
LoGan BoYe
Emmaline Gebhardt
Heather Bertarelli
Citlaly Govana Arraiga Moreno
Alisha kumari
Ashley Trathen
Chessie Bolt
Finn Stevens
Jackson Whipple
Jason Riley Labansat-Nava
Maximilian Salvati
Nicole Kerschner
Olivia Perez
Sophie Hodgson
Stanley Li
Tate C Browder
Tenzin Lhanze
Chloe Eisen
Jessica Wilcox
Kayla Kerrane
Leah Legeer
Sophia Fischer
Opening Reception
Images by Elliot Whitehead

Runway Sculpture Winners
Awards juried by:
Drew Austin, Curator of Visual Arts
Shelly Devlin, Guest Judge

Award Winning Works
Awards juried by:
Drew Austin, Curator of Visual Arts
JayCee Beyale, Creative Nations
Melissa Fathman, Executive Director

Best in Show
Unfinished Business by Phoebe Hatch
Boulder High School

Digital Art 1st Place
Jules by Eric Fithian
Fairview High School

Digital Art 2nd Place
untitled by Haska Begovic-Nichols
Fairview High School

Digital Art 3rd Place
Smell of Rain by Jessica Wang
Fairview High School

Sculpture and Pottery 1st Place
Under Pressure by Adrian Armstrong
Boulder High School

Sculpture and Pottery 2nd Place
Light in the Sea by Jordan Silk
Broomfield High School

Sculpture and Pottery 3rd Place
untitled bowl by Elli Nishek
Boulder High School

Painting and Drawing 1st Place
Mon Chat by Mia Twigger
Fairview High School

Painting and Drawing 2nd Place
untitled by Tallulah Johnson Mencimer
Fairview High School

Painting and Drawing 3rd Place
The Holi Cow by Sabrina Feld
Fairview High School

Photography 1st Place
Creative Statuette by Jonathan Jackson
Centaurus High School

Photography 2nd Place
untitled by Carter Conly
Broomfield High School

Photography 3rd Place
Lonely Hands by Alex McIltrot
Broomfield High School