Other Ways to Support Us

Support Boulder's only multi-disciplinary arts center!
Your support to the Dairy Arts Center is critical to bridge the gap between rental fees, ticket sales, and operating costs. Your gift goes further because you’re supporting 14 resident arts organizations, over 2,000 music, and dance students, 250 live performances, 27 art gallery exhibitions, over 1,000 movie screenings, and 200,000 arts experiences that happen here every year. Because we are a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, your gift is tax-deductible.
Ways to Give
Donate by Credit Card
Use the buttons below to donate online or contact the Dairy Arts Center Hartman Box Office: 303.444.7428 to make a donation over the phone
General Operating support helps the Dairy in all it’s activities. If you want to support our programs (cinema, visual arts, music, comedy), access to subsidized venue space for local & regional arts organizations, or efforts to improve infrastructure and build capacity, donate online now!
Kids at the Dairy is an arts education program designed to introduce Title I Schools in Boulder County to live performances across multiple art disciplines, while closing the achievement gap and making access to the arts more available to at-risk children. 65% of participating students are enrolled in the free/reduced lunch program.
Maximize your impact by setting up a recurring donation. Recurring donations allow you to donate anywhere from $120 – $1,500 annually with automatic monthly donations. Contact the Development Department at to set up a custom recurring donation.
Creative Nations Collective is a permanent onsite establishment for Indigenous Artists at the Dairy Arts Center in Boulder, Colorado. Our goals at Creative Nations are to create a space for creation and collaboration, as well as foster opportunities for all Indigenous artists to thrive.
Donate by Check
Make checks payable to:
Dairy Arts Center
Attn: Development Department
2590 Walnut Street
Boulder, CO 80302
Matching Gifts
Ask your company if they match your donation. You may be able to double, or even triple, your support of the Dairy by giving a Corporate Matching Gift.
Gifts of Stock
To request instructions for or inquire about making a gift by wire transfer or of appreciated securities, please email the Development Department, at development@thedairy.org
Virtual Donor Wall
In gratitude to our supporters for these generous gifts to the Dairy Arts Center Annual Fund. In recognition of donations made July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
Scientific & Cultural Facilities District
Office of Arts and Culture, Boulder Arts Commission
Radical Waves Project
United Way of Larimer County
The Boedecker Foundation
The Caruso Family Foundation
Mark Ragan & Jamie Shaak
In Memory of Henry Rasof
JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.
Jennifer & Jason Mendelson
In Memory of Henry Rasof
A. Alfred Taubman Foundation
Chiara & Tom Clark
Colorado Creative Industries
L & N Andreas Foundation
Joan & Paul Lavell
Louis P Singer Fund Inc.
McDaniel Family Foundation
Jennifer & Jason Mendelson
The Tifin Group LLC
Wolff Family Foundation
Wolman-Fulker Artful Humanity Fund
Xcel Energy Foundation
Jim Butterworth
Edna & Monroe C Gutman Foundation
Susan Friedenberg
Alyssa Graham
Kristen & Wallace Graham
Greg & Marike Charitable Fund
David & Kremena Gross
Shannon & Daniel Hassan
Janet Leap
Susan Lewis & David Snitman
Darren Myers
Alex & Carolyn Paul
Terrapin Care Station
Marion Thurnauer & Alexander Trifunac
Art Students League of Denver
Cheri Belz
Boulder Family Donor
Terri Brncic
The Community Foundation of Boulder County
Ginny Corsi & Mary Backlund
Andy & Audrey Franklin
Grace & Gordon Gamm
Amy & Andy Hartman
E Kaplan
Rick Koopman, The 1040 Foundation
Haicheng Li & Naidong Zhou
Matt McCall
Morgan Family Foundation
Tyler Noble
Premier Members Credit Union
David Raduziner
Eric Remer
Rhizome Foundation
Schollmaier Family Fund
Christine & John Sutton
Vinay Family
Jennifer & Jon Wittemyer
Amy Yoder
Erika Ainslie
Lisa Albright
Baird Foundation, Inc.
Belzer Law LLC
David Cremin
Jennifer Dorish
Victoria Feliton
Genesee Mountain Foundation
Andrew & Genny Horning
Jim & Brownie Leach Charitable Gifting Fund
Jen Jones & Rob Cohen
Mary Jo Ladd
Susan Leonard
Staci Lupberger
Elizabeth & Brandon Lundell
Elizabeth & Marc McDonough
Jason Meshnick & Tina Marquis
Nicholas & Lauren Meyerson
Ann Miles
Osman Parvez & Leah McDaniel Parvez
Peak Asset Management LLC
Bonnie Rada
Firuzeh & Navid Saidi
Catherine Stalick
Terpenning Fund
The Wyman Family Foundation
Jessica & Zach Zeldner
The Bamboo Fund
Bickman Farkas Charitable Fund
Boulder Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
The Britton Family
Julia Buonanno & Michael Brown
Carob Gift Fund
Lee Cast
Marian Dines
Divine-Triggs Joy Fund
David Foster
David & Susan Gaydon
Ali Gidfar
Lolita Higbie
Christopher & LuAnne Hormel
Lisa Hunnicutt
Scott Inlow & Pam Johnson
Helayne & Larry Jones
Dave Kennedy
Bonnie Kirschenbaum
Susan LaHoda
Martin Family Foundation
Laura Sharpe McCutchen & Roy McCutchen
Catherine & David Moll
Michele & Michael Ritter
Tess Roering
Greeley Sachs & Seth Levine
The Scott and Kathy Rudge Charitable Fund
Gregory Silvus
Sorenson Family Foundation
Kristine Todd
Lynne & Peter Troup
Stacey Abel
James Alleman & Barbara Miller
Addrienne Amato
Kristin & Ben Apple
Beth Armstrong
Ms. Tamar Barkay
Sybil Barnes
Benedict Miller Foundation
Gretchen Blair
David & Carly Brantz
Debra & Charles Brindis
Susanne Broutman
Yvonne Caravia
Melvina Carrick
Kelly Cavill
Lisa & Grant Coburn
Barry Collen
Colorado Gives Foundation
Judy Toran Cousin
Create Boulder
Judith Dack
Danielle Dannenberg
Bruce & Polly Douglass
Brian Draves
Wallace & Gale Dunlap
Kara Fellows
Klara Zieglerova Fitzgerald
Lisa Foster
Friends of BCSIS
Jennifer Gibson
Nancee Gold
Eduardo Grabowsky
Terri Gray
Lucy Goldstein
Cheryl Hall
Betsy & Albert Hand
Charles Hardesty
Sarah Harkins
Peter Harllee & Terra McKinnish
Lindsey Harshman
Joyce L Heilig
Deborah Henson
Robert Hesskamp
Jesse Eichenbaum Charitable Fund
Nooshin Katebini
Gretchen King
Patrick Lagutaris
Shirley & Farzin Lalezari
Michelle Lieber
Kristina Lisowski
Deborah Malden & Michael Donovan
Hope Meyer
Barbara Miller
Andy & Connie Minden
Alina Nisenzon
Patricia Pacey & Chuck Neinas
Chuck Palmer
Scott Patten
Barbara Pike
Richard Polk & Sue Deans
Bob Presson & Deborah Byrd
Kyra Rehman
Kristin Reisinger & Ted Skolnick
Tsugumi Richards
Leslee Rodden
Kathryn Rolfes
Eileen & Mike Ryan
Delaram Saidi
Anne Slichter
Kent & Melissa Sorrells
Stephen & Linda Sparn
Helen Spiridellis
Julie Stuart
Danette Stuckey
Matthew Tenzin
Jacque Van Den Bovenkamp
Mr. Mark & Mrs. Laurie Van Grack
Marianne Van Pelt
Raquel Velloso
Kathryn Volkmar
Sophie & Jack Walker
Catherine Winsten
Young Family Fund