Kristina Maldonado Bad Hand

In Lakota we say “Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ” meaning ”all my relations” “we are all related.” This phrase is often said in prayer and ceremony and is an acknowledgement that everything is related from people to plants and animals. It has a deeper meaning as well, that everything in our universe is interconnected. I chose this as the show title because in all the work I do I focus on connection, deeper meaning and impact.

Kristina Maldonado Bad Hand is a Sicangu Lakota and Cherokee artist that hails from Taos, New Mexico. Her passion for community and social justice has led her to speak on matters of equality and cultural representation in pop culture. She is a graphic designer, illustrator, comic creator, and former co-chair of the Denver American Indian Commission. She has 10 years of experience in after-school and summer programs. Most notably for her work with Pop Culture Classroom in their comic-based literacy curriculum; as a community and OBH liaison with the Jeffco Indian Education Program, and as a Think 360 Artist for her SEL lessons through design and pop culture. She is the co-founder and director of ayA Con, Denver’s Indigenous Comic and Art Festival, and is currently employed with the Denver Art Museum as the Creative and Public Engagement Fellow, working with the Native Artist in Residence program, and engaging creative community.
Instagram: @napesica